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Unconditional Love


I will share some of my thoughts about the importance of the highest love i know.

Unconditional Love

Wonder why so many people are so afraid of unconditional love and development or whatever it is that scares them when it is the only thing that bring them lasting happiness in the heart ?
It is no wonder that the fears are rooted in insecurity and an absence of love.

Many may not even experienced love or know what love is?

I meet people just based on my outlook on life just like everyone else sees and encounters everything based on where they are with them selves in life.

The opposite of Love is Fears and it raises what i call ego.
The ego create a state with lack of compassion and it strengthens even more my view of what i don’t see, how i contribute to the development of a world without love and security.
My belief is that we human need to develop love for ourselves first by doing choices from the heart to begin with.
Then compassion can grow back to each other and to the world so all fears can start too redeem.
Then the world can go back to a world safe and happy were people can find new solutions of problems for themselves and supporting each other, as i`m sure they will find for here and now, when they are in contact with there heart and each other.
Then we can share a possitiv vision for our self and also for our children and the future.
Then we can feel happiness and believe in ourself and the future.
Not because anyone else that we believe in for the moment will tell us that everything is safe even if we can`t feel it ourself.
Because when we feel it in our own hearts so we now it`s true, so will our children be able to feel through us.
All people have a heart and a soul, therefore, also an ability to develop the contacts to the heart and make choices in their lives from the heart again if they are not already doing so.
Obviously, this can create major changes in life for some, but i have never met anyone who repented that they have chosen to do that.
On the contrary, it is what really makes us human beings to experience the true joy and satisfaction in every way of life .

I Hope more people choose the path of the heart so we can start enjoying development and sharing our life here on earth in happiness and bliss.

With Unconditional Love from my heart to all of you !

Your soul brother

New Delhi 2013


Was invited and honored to hold a consultative and inspirational speeches in Delhi for India’s development and people’s needs within the spa health and wealth in life.


Referens Peter Wallén


Certified NHLPA Agent
Den ende i Sverige som förhandlar i NHL direkt.


Mitt namn är Peter Wallén och jag jobbar som agent till ishockeyspelare.
I mitt arbete så ingår till stor del att rekrytera unga spelare som jag tror är morgondagens stjärnor. Att få möjligheten att vara nära ungdomar under utveckling är en stor förmån och något jag uppskattar stort.

I mitt intresse att vara en bra agent så ordnar jag en del egna sammankomster för spelarna för att förhöja deras vardag och bidra med lite fler verktyg i verktygslådan på deras långa resa.

Ett speciellt verktyg som jag har tagit in är Frank Vitai.
Anledningen till att jag tycker det är en bra idé att spelarna får möjlighet att träffa Frank är för att Frank har en stor förståelse för det emotionella, lätt för att sätta sig in i personens känslor och förstår att bearbeta det på ett sätt som blir väldigt positivt och otvunget för personen ifråga.
Frank Vitai har vid ett flertal tillfällen träffat hockey spelare som jag representerar i åldern 15-20 år med ett starkt intryck som resultat.

Frank har träffat dem såväl i stor grupp, små grupp som individuellt. Reaktionerna och resultaten ur smågrupps träffarna var fantastiskt uttömmande. Spelarna ville inte att sessionen skulle sluta och ju längre tid gruppen satt tillsammans desto mer öppnade individerna upp sig. Franks sätt att skapa ett lugn och förtroende hos grabbarna var häpnadsväckande att se och han lyckades också få dem att prata om sina rädslor på ett sätt som var väldigt förtroendefullt och välkomnande för spelarna.
Varje sammankomst så ger spelarna mig feedback på vad de har fått gå igenom och alla spelarna ger Frank högsta betyg vid varje tillfälle. Frank kommer att vara ett permanent inslag i mina ambitioner att utveckla de unga spelare som jag representerar. Att träffa Frank är en förmån alla borde få ta del av och ett minne som aldrig bleknar.

Tack Frank!

Peter Wallèn


Certified NHLPA Agent
The only person in Sweden who negotiates in the NHL right away.


My name is Peter Wallen and I work as an agent for hockey players.
My work includes largely to recruit young players who I think are the stars of tomorrow. Having the opportunity to be close to young people in development is a great privilege and something I greatly value.

In my interest to be a good agent I will arrange some private gatherings for the players to enhance their daily lives and contribute some more tools in the toolbox on their long journey.

A special tool that I have taken in is Frank Vitai.
The reason I think it’s a good idea that the players get the opportunity to meet Frank is that Frank has a great understanding of the emotional side, easy to understand the person’s feelings and understand that process it in a way that becomes very positive and uninhibited for the person.
Frank Vitai have on several occasions met hockey players I represent aged 15-20 years with a strong impression as a result.

Frank has met them both in large group, small group and individually. The reactions and the results of the small group sessions were terrific exhaustive. The players did not want the session to end and the longer the group sat together, the more individuals opened up. Franks way to create a calm and trust of the guys was amazing to see and he also managed to get them to talk about their fears in a way that was very trusting and welcoming for the players.

After each meeting, the players give me feedback on what they’ve been through and all the players give Frank the highest rating on each occasion. Frank will be a permanent feature of my ambitions to develop the young players that I represent. To meet Frank is a privilege everyone should have access to, and a memory that never fades.

Thanks Frank!

Peter Wallen



Referens Lucas Nilsson


Frank har visat mig hur livet kan vara. Obegränsat av kärlek, möjligheter och glädje. Han har fått mig till att förstå min inre kraft, att följa mitt hjärtats sanning. Jag rekommenderar ett besök hos Frank om du vill utveckla dina inre resurser. Det har förändrat mitt liv och jag kan nu välja kärleken. Och det fina är att jag nu kan stödja andra på ett obegränsat sätt att finna sin egen inre styrka.

Evigt Tacksam!

Lucas Nilsson Kinesiolog

Frank has shown me how life can be. Unlimited of love, opportunity and joy. He has led me to understand my inner power, to follow my heart’s truth. I recommend a visit to Frank if you want to develop your inner resources. It has changed my life and I can now choose love. And the nice thing is that now I can support others in an unlimited way to find their own inner strength.

Eternally Grateful!

Lucas Nilsson Kinesiolog